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Graduate school of pain (Euridol)


The Graduate School of Pain (EURIDOL) is one of 5 initiatives of excellence of the University of Strasbourg (Unistra), creating "French-style Graduate Schools" through a call for tenders of the Investment for the Future Programme (PIA3).

The objective is to provide a training of excellence in and through research, based on a Master-Doctorate continuum and focused on pain and its treatment, in synergy with the Unistra, CNRS and Inserm laboratories that are part of the Strasbourg Pain Initiative research consortium. EURIDOL’s ambition is to train the next generation of international leaders in pain research.

To address the complexity of pain, the training is based on cross-disciplinary interactions and brings together specialists in fundamental and clinical neuroscience, human and social sciences, pharmaceutical chemistry, as well as health professionals.

The multiple disciplines feed the quality of the training in its content as well as the implementation of innovative teaching practices. Highly attractive, EURIDOL reinforces "apprenticeship by companionship" through numerous internships offered by the laboratories, by allowing sponsorship between students and by facilitating exchanges between young researchers and their supervisors. The EURIDOL training programme and research benefits from the support of labellised platforms, medical departments/centres of the Strasbourg University Hospitals, relevant learned societies, the private sector and patient associations.

EURIDOL is one of the three pillars of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute in Neuroscience of the University of Strasbourg (ITI NeuroStra).

Admission criteria

There are different ways to join the Graduate School:

Starting with the EURIDOL Master after a bachelor in biology, health sciences or psychology:

Students enroll in one of the three Master's degrees in Neuroscience of the University of Strasbourg. Within their Master's degree, they follow a specific EURIDOL teaching programme on pain in order to afterwards writing a doctoral thesis in Neuroscience.

Starting directly with a EURIDOL thesis via a call for tenders ("attractivity"):

Students can join EURIDOL for their PhD studies through:

  • Disciplinary calls for tenders (chemistry, HSS, clinical neuroscience, fundamental neuroscience)
  • Interdisciplinary calls for tenders (favouring links between teams of different disciplines)
  • Thematic calls for tenders (whichever the discipline)
  • Doctoral schools’ contest and EURIDOL teams' own resources.

Criteria for selection

High quality of the academic record, strong motivation for pain research, interest in interdisciplinarity, English level.


Parallel applications through the Euridol board of directors (euridol@unistra.fr) and the online platform e-candidat (master mention sciences du vivant, parcours neurosciences cellulaires et intégrées, neurosciences cognitives and joint master in neuroscience).

Education & training program

Semesters 1, 2, 3

Joint master in neuroscience

Modules fundamental neurosciences

Euridol modules an Internships Neuroschience and pain research

Specific modules fundamental and clinical neuroscience, psychology, pharmacochemistry

Semester 4

Doctoral school

Teams Strasbourg pain initiative

Euridol PhD modules

Key figures

Good to know

Euridol is:

  • Supported by 11 laboratories, including 18 teams specialised in the different aspects of pain
  • Partnership with 6 clinical units of the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
  • Recruiting each year a maximum of 9 MSc 1st Year students and about 10 new PhD students
  • Numerous private partners and patient associations.


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